This function will print a style object to the console. The print function will display each style setting that has been assigned, and the value which is assigned.

# S3 method for style_spec
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



A style object to print.


Any follow-on parameters to pass to print().


If verbose is TRUE, the function will print the style object as a list. Otherwise, the object will print using the custom print function. The custom print is more compact than the verbose style print. Default is FALSE.

See also

Other styles: add_style(), create_style(), get_theme()



# Get theme
tm <- get_theme("SteelBlue")

# View theme settings
## A style specification: 
#- font_name: 'Arial'
#- font_size: 10
#- text_color: 'DimGrey'
#- title_font_size: 11
#- title_font_bold: TRUE
#- title_font_color: 'SteelBlue'
#- border_color: 'Grey'
#- table_header_background: 'SteelBlue'
#- table_header_font_bold: TRUE
#- table_header_font_color: 'LightGrey'
#- table_body_background: 'White'
#- table_body_stripe: 'WhiteSmoke'
#- table_stub_background: 'SteelBlue'
#- table_stub_font_color: 'LightGrey'
#- table_stub_font_bold: TRUE